Current Events

Below is a LISTING of upcoming events.  Looking to REGISTER for a class? Go to our CLASSES tab


Zoom Gallery Psychic-Medium Messages with Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake - Friday, May 31
Choose from Two Session Times:
...6:30 to 7:30pm ET
...7:45 to 8:45pm ET
$40 per person
Enjoy a psychic-medium reading with professional psychic-mediums, Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake as they offer their exclusive "Double-Double" reading in this ZOOM gallery setting. Small group of 4 people, each receiving a 10-minute reading...with tarot psychic insights and touching in with loved ones passed. Go to CLASSES to pre-register.

        Looking for a fun and entertaining night of connection?

        The Purple Door will host small parties of family, friends, work teams to experience private, individual psychic-medium readings and/or peaceful energy session, while your group enjoys our Psychic Lounge, with your foods and beverages of choice!  For 6 to 10 people...pick a date or check our schedule. Choose from 10, 15 or 20 minute for quotes: 585-427-8110

        Please note: Information presented by speakers and instructors does not necessarily reflect the views of The Purple Door.

        Per NYS law we must state that readings are for entertainment purposes only. We will not diagnose/prescribe, offer legal, mental/emotional professional services.